About Us
Diagnostic Solutions International LLC is the Premiere Worldwide Authorized Honeywell (formerly CHADWICK-HELMUTH) HUMS | TEST | SKY CONNECT | ASPIRE Distributor | REVOLUTION “REVO” CVFDR PRODUCTS DISTRIBUTOR
DIAGNOSTIC SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL LLC IS THE PREMIERE Honeywell HUMS Technology Licensee and Global Master Distributor, specializing in HUMS, RT&B Analyzers, Avionics, Sky Connect, Aspire In-Flight Connectivity (IFC), and REVOLUTION “REVO” CVFDR products.

Diagnostic Solutions International, LLC specializes in Honeywell Chadwick-Helmuth HUMS. We offer our experience and specialized aptitudes in helicopter rotor track and balance, propeller balance, aircraft and engine component balance, vibration analysis, engine performance qualification, and HUMS data management and analysis.
Diagnostic Solutions International, LLC has decades of experience relevant to the usage and operation of the Honeywell Chadwick-Helmuth Carry-On VXP, On-Board VXP, EVXP, AIMS, Vibrex™ 2000 Plus, VMS II, 8500 C Plus, FasTrak™, Strobex, accelerometers, velocimeters, photocells, magnetic pickups, calibrators, tab tools, Smart Chart™ technologies, VibraLog™, VibReview™, VibDAS™, etc.